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Ud Trucks Extends Vehicle Warranties During The Covid 19 Lockdown Period In The Meena Region

Mots-clés: No Keys


Par: P&E Staff
Partager: Avril 29, 2020

UD Trucks extends vehicle warranties during the COVID-19 lockdown period in MEENA

In light of the ongoing pandemic, UD Trucks has put in place a series of support measures in line with the company’s commitment to go the extra mile for its customers in the MEENA region

UD Trucks has announced a 60 day warranty extension for customers in the Middle East, East and North Africa whose vehicles’ warranties end during the COVID-19 lockdown period.

This iniative aims to support its customers who are not able to carry out services due to the varying levels of social distancing measures mandated by individual governments.

UD Trucks hopes to alleviate any concern from customers who have vehicle maintenance and repair needs during these challenging times.

Logistics is the lifeblood of society and with the current situation it is more important than ever that trucks stay on road to deliver the goods we take for granted in our day-to-day lives.

UD Trucks is continuing to go the extra mile to secure customer uptime with these services:

  • Ongoing service and support to customers carrying out essential services
  • Extensions to periodical service and maintenance without any impact on the warranty terms
  • Extended warranty coverage of 60 days for vehicles whose warranty expires during the lockdown period

Business continuity is key in this period of unprecedented global disruption and UD Trucks is endeavouring to play its part to help negate the impact.

Disclaimer: please note that lockdown dates, service contracts and warranty terms and conditions might vary from market to market. Customers should contact their local importer/distributor for more information.

Par: P&E Staff
Partager: Avril 29, 2020


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