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SVEA Puts New Demag AC 250-5 All Terrain Crane Into Operation

Mots-clés: All Terrain Crane , Demag AC 250-5


Par: P&E Staff
Partager: Avril 09, 2021

SVEA Puts New Demag AC 250-5 All Terrain Crane Into Operation

Crane service provider SVEA didn’t need to let its brand new Demag AC 250-5 get used to the climate in the United Arab Emirates first. Instead, the crane was sent to take care of a project in Downtown Dubai shortly after being delivered. Once there, it had to lift parts of a space frame structure to a height of 75m at a working radius of 22m.

“The AC 250-5 really impressed us with its outstanding quality and extraordinary performance – in fact, we found it so incredibly compelling that we’ve decided to buy more Demag cranes no matter what,” said Mahmoud Ibrahim, General Manager at SVEA.

Ibrahim pointed out that he is thrilled with his new crane, which is now set to tackle a whole series of projects at an extremely varied range of work sites. SVEA will be using the Demag AC 250-5 for work in structural engineering, civil engineering, infrastructure, oil field, cement refinery, and sugar refinery projects, as well as for loading activities at ports and even lifting work at events.


Par: P&E Staff
Partager: Avril 09, 2021


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