Actualités du Moyen Orient
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Heavy Lifting And Transport Solutions For Saudi Aramco’s Gas Storage Project

Par: P&E Staff
Partager: Mai 17, 2021

Heavy Lifting And Transport Solutions For Saudi Aramco’s Gas Storage Project

South Korean Oil & Gas Company - Samsung Engineering - the appointed main engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor, has awarded Mammoet’s Saudi branch the transport and installation scope of the Aramco Hawiyah Unayzah Gas Reservoir Storage (HUGRS) project. Over 60 components will be received either at King Fahad Industrial Port in Jubail or at a fabrication facility in Dammam and transported to the site for further installation. The heaviest components include four slug catchers, each weighing over 400t.

The scope includes associated port handling and customs clearance activities, obtaining of required permits from the Royal Commission and the Ministry of Transport, along with a close collaboration with Saudi Traffic Police to smoothly facilitate the project’s transport phase. Over 200 lifts are expected to take place throughout the 17-month long project.

The facility is expected to be completed in 2023 and will enable Saudi Aramco to efficiently manage surplus gas volumes to meet seasonal demand.

Par: P&E Staff
Partager: Mai 17, 2021


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