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Ud Trucks Holds First Ever Virtual Welcome Ceremony For New Graduates In Japan

Mots-clés: No Keys


Par: P&E Staff
Partager: Avril 10, 2020

UD Trucks continues to invest in talent by recruiting over 200 new graduates in Japan from 2020. In an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), the welcome ceremony and initial training was held virtually across 16 locations.

The 200+ new graduates that joined the company this year represent the second largest class behind last year’s recordhigh intake. Among the new graduates this year, the vast majority will serve as mechanics, in order to help maximize uptime for customers amid an ongoing labor shortage.

“We live in trying times, but UD Trucks by its nature is a challenger. The growing COVID-19 pandemic is a major global challenge but we will rise to it as One UD team,” Chairman UD Trucks, Joachim Rosenberg said. “One of our values is ultimate dependability. We made a promise to these young talents to hire and develop them, and of course we will live up to it.”

Beyond the online ceremony, the company will offer induction training virtually for new graduates using a similar setup, which allows participants to interact online with each other as well fostering a sense of belonging and unity. UD Trucks will also continue to promote online communication tools for all employees such as web conferencing, to maximize flexible ways of working including working from home.


Par: P&E Staff
Partager: Avril 10, 2020


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