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Skyjack And Linamar Answer The Call

Mots-clés: No Keys


Par: P&E Staff
Partager: Mai 06, 2020

Linamar Corporation’s (TSX:LNR) Skyjack division received a request via social media from a local medical professional, prompting the revival of a promotional item which has new relevance today. The Skyjack bandana was first produced for a charity event to raise awareness for breast cancer. Medical staff who attended the event remembered the bandana and thought it would be ideal in a medical setting, as equipment began to deplete. A week later, a new “Health First” version of the bandana is now being used in multiple hospitals within a 3-hour radius of Skyjack’s Guelph facilities.

Additionally, using both Skyjack and Linamar’s purchasing and logistics departments, they have assisted with sourcing PPE and storage of supplies for local hospitals.

“We are in constant contact with our community partners and are looking for ways we can assist,” said Ken McDougall, president at Skyjack. “I could not be more proud of the work that has been undertaken by the Skyjack and Linamar teams in their support, manufacturing and supply of PPE.”

Linamar now has over 15 facilities that are focused on the manufacturing and supply of ventilator parts. Within a couple of weeks, these facilities converted production and redirected it towards this critical need. In addition, Linamar has now also begun assembling and testing complete ventilator units.

“We are also actively engaged with local communities around the world in other ways, such as making donations of PPE we have on hand to local hospitals,” explained Linda Hasenfratz, chief executive officer at Linamar. “We continue to leverage our Global Supply Chain capabilities to source additional PPE for frontline healthcare workers, and our Transportation Division is working with local food banks to ensure vulnerable people in isolation are getting healthy food.”

McDougall concluded, “I would like to echo the thoughts of most (if not all) of the world and put out a special thanks and praise to those individuals who are fighting this battle on the frontlines. To all of the healthcare workers, long-term care and personal support workers, truck drivers, grocery workers, police officers and more, you have all redefined the true meaning of Super Hero.”


Par: P&E Staff
Partager: Mai 06, 2020


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