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Innovation Is Key To Ammann Asphalt Mixing Plants’ Success

Mots-clés: Asphalt-Mixing


Par: P&E Staff
Partager: Avril 07, 2020

The success of Ammann Asphalt-Mixing Plants is driven by innovation. That includes advances that make Ammann customers among the most highly regarded recyclers in the industry – and technology that helps keep the plants up and running.

RAH100 Dryer

This innovative dryer can enable your Asphalt Mixing Plant to produce mix consisting of 100% recycled asphalt (RAP).

Essential to the RAH100 is its gentle heating process. During the warm mix process, the dryer can heat materials between temperatures of 100ºC and 130ºC. It can also make asphalt at 140º- 160º if a more traditional mix is desired.

The heating is where usually the complications with RAP material arise. RAP must reach its target temperature, but the valuable bitumen will be damaged if the material is heated too quickly.

The RAH100 Drum from Ammann eliminates that concern. It consists of two connected sections. One is a hot gas generator that contains a burner and forces air toward the second section, which is a counterflow dryer.

The RAP enters at the far end of the counterflow dryer section and moves toward the heat chamber. At the end of the counterflow dryer, RAP is transported to an accompanying silo. The heated RAP mix leaves the dryer before the temperature becomes excessive, so it never reaches the critical temperature where the bitumen is damaged.

The RAH100 was a success from its introduction, now more than 10 years ago. Ammann always strives for further improvement, so this system, created more than a decade ago, is constantly improved. That includes the hot gas generator, which has been upgraded on multiple occasions.


Par: P&E Staff
Partager: Avril 07, 2020


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