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All The Way To Australia! Xcmg Makes Breakthrough In High End Market With Its Large Tonnage Cranes Delivered

Mots-clés: Cranes


Par: P&E Staff
Partager: Mai 22, 2020

Following the batch export of large mining equipment to Australia, XCMG again exports its large-tonnage cranes there. This is a testament that XCMG’s construction machinery are gaining popularity in Australian high-end market.

In these days, one large-scale deep-water port in China is really bustling. Several XCMG large-tonnage cranes in blue "war armor" are being lifted in turn to the giant ocean-going freighters moored at the port, ready to go and sail.

These cranes include crawler cranes, rough terrain cranes and all-terrain cranes. XCA220 all-terrain crane tested by President Xi Jinping during his inspection to XCMG on Dec. 12, 2017 are also in this order impressively.

As the high-end market of construction machines, Australia has higher requirements in product performance, safety, operation comfort, reliability and maintenance convenience. In these years, XCMG has gained a lot in this high-end market thanks to its perseverance to the business and its superior product quality and technology.

Since 2018, XCMG’s products, including mining grader GR3505, Chinese largest-tonnage loader LW1200KN, excavator of 300 tons, electric mining truck of 120 tons and other large complete equipment, have been exported to Australia in batches, which have got likes and attention from the world’s top well-known enterprises like Rio Tinto and BHP.

It is reported that the XCMG cranes exported this time are all tailor-made according to Australian local standards, and have been "customized" in many aspects such as color, style and parts in line with customer requirements. XCMG’s hoisting machinery with high technology and high reliability will definitely make a figure in Australian construction machinery industry, and it will show its extraordinary skills of “Made in China” in helping local infrastructure construction.


Par: P&E Staff
Partager: Mai 22, 2020


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