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A Fleet Of 25 Renault Trucks Master Z.E. For Migros

Mots-clés: Vans


Par: P&E Staff
Partager: Décembre 28, 2020

A Fleet Of 25 Renault Trucks Master Z.E. For Migros

MyMigros, the online supermarket service provided by the Swiss cooperative Migros Aare, is now using fully-electric Renault Trucks Master Z.E. vans for its home deliveries. 25 Renault Trucks Master Z.E. vans are in service and 20 additional vehicles are set to join the MyMigros fleet in 2021.

Two years ago, the Swiss cooperative Migros Aar launched its "MyMigros" online supermarket service with home delivery. Under its sustainable approach, all deliveries are performed using Renault Trucks Master Z.E., without any local pollutant emissions or noise pollution.

These fully-electric commercial vehicles are perfectly suited to urban use as they can access all city areas, even with the narrowest streets or strictest traffic rules. Their load volume is identical to that of the diesel equivalent as the batteries have been placed under the front seats.

25 Renault Trucks Master Z.E. vans are currently in service, with 20 additional vehicles set to join the fleet in 2021.

Vehicle autonomy that perfectly matches operations

Although the area served by Migros Aare encompasses several Swiss cantons (Bern, Solothurn and Aargau), the Renault Trucks Master Z.E.'s 120 km range is sufficient to cover these areas. Indeed, Migros always has two to three vehicles parked at the warehouse, ready to deliver to local customers, and each vehicle has its own recharging station in its parking space.

"Vehicles deliver orders between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., return to their charging station for two hours and then resume service between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. During the night, Renault Trucks Master Z.E. vans remain connected to the charging cable", explained Marcel Zaugg, head of the Migros Aare fleet. It's a logistical plan than optimises the vehicles' autonomy to the full.

Renault Trucks Master Z.E. technical specifications

  • Total GVW 3.1t To 3.5t
  • 57 kW electric motor
  • Maximum torque: 225 Nm
  • Maximum speed: 100 km/h
  • Energy storage: 33 kWh lithium-ion batteries
  • Operating range on NEDC cycle: 200 km
  • Real-world operating range: up to 120 km
  • Charging 7 kW AC


Par: P&E Staff
Partager: Décembre 28, 2020


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