Part: Radiator Core
Caterpillar, 824, 824C, 825, 825C, 826 Radiator Core, (A-20790, 6N9785, 6N-9785) This is the 4 1/2 version, For 5 1/2 use 850958
All other OEM Numbers: A-20790, 6N9785, 6N-9785
Series: 0
RSH: 850007
Part: Radiator Core
Caterpillar, 824, 824C, 825, 825C, 826 Radiator Core, (A-20790, 6N9785, 6N-9785) This is the 4 1/2 version, For 5 1/2 use 850958
All other OEM Numbers: A-20790, 6N9785, 6N-9785
Series: 0
RSH: 850007
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