Transport Evolution African Forum & Expo

التاريخ ٢٨ سبتمبر ٢٢ - ٢٩ سبتمبر ٢٢
عنوان Inkosi Albert Luthuli ICC Complex (Durban ICC)
الهاتف إظهار الرقم
موقع المعرض

The African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement implementation, the need for system integration, infrastructure investments and cross border trade policies is evident and will dominate the headlines going into 2022.

Transport Evolution Africa Forum & Expo 2022 will tackle these issues head-on and showcase global innovations, as well as provide the platform for African port, rail and road corridor updates. This coming year, we are excited to will launch the African Transport Performance Scorecard (ATEPS) which will be a comprehensive annual progress measurement report.

It has become evident that many ports and rail entities will need to integrate in order to build robust corridors into Africa, and it is with this in mind that the Transport CEO Forum will be co-located alongside the event for CEOs to discuss closer working relationships.


Taryn Van Zanten
Phone Number: +27 21 700 5506    
Email Id: [email protected]


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